When technology meets theology, the result is "My OS is G.O.D.",
a fun song with a big beat! Click the title to hear a sample of the song.
1. Home The Band The Feedback The News Contact Buy from CD Baby Buy from iTunes View more SD Music 10% of all sales will be donated to churches in the USA My OS is G.O.D. For Fans When technology meets theology, you get a fun song with a big beat!

We're going to forgo the normal marketing hype in this description. I wrote the chorus for this song a few years ago but I couldn't find the words for the verses. I used to think that technology was a waste of time when it came to religion, but I recently realized that I was wrong. Technology is a great tool for sharing the word and finding resources and others who believe as you do, but the devices have begun to take over people's lives to the point where people have forgotten how to socialize without them. Bottom line; God doesn't own a pad or pod. He still communicates "old school". Once I started to approach the song from this perspective, the words flowed out. We hope you like it.

2008 wasn't a good year for a lot of people, including Standard Deviation. We were mad at the world and everybody in it. What pulled us out of our funk were two books.: "Become a Better You" by Joel Osteen and "The Shack" by William P. Young. The first was given to us after we made a donation to a church group and the second was a chance selection by Jane while she was traveling. They helped us realize we're too blessed to be stressed!

These books caused us to take a look at the way we were living our lives and inspired us to give back. This is where we're starting. A minimum of 10% of the gross sales of this CD will go to fulfilling the needs of various churches in America. If you maintain a church or know of a church in need of some improvements (hymnals, new pews, a window), send us an email and make a request. We plan to start by providing air conditioning for a meeting room at Christ's Lutheran Church in Murrysville, PA.
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